
The Terri Ammerman Group pairs decades of communications and media experience with relevant, current perspective. We understand the ever-changing needs and scenarios faced by companies, executives, and media professionals. Part of our training involves examining communications scenarios in real-time, so participants can clearly see what to avoid when speaking and what to say when delivering a clear, convincing message. Our team regularly offers perspective and insights on current situations through the articles posted here.

3 Ways to Tell if You Need Executive Presentations Training

3 Ways to Tell if You Need Executive Presentations Training

It’s that time again – the annual company conference. You’re responsible for providing a detailed presentation, highlighting your company’s accomplishments over the past year and the goals ahead. This, of course, has to be done in front of everyone, which might bring about some sleepless nights for you. You’re not alone. Plenty of executives have...

Media Training for Agricultural Companies

Media Training for Agricultural Companies

Although agricultural companies sometimes prefer to stay away from the media spotlight and focus on the ins and outs of business, the truth is this: to adapt in today’s world, agricultural companies need to connect to the media. Part of this involves getting in touch with the social media strategies that every major company utilizes, but to...

3 Benefits of Executive Presentations Training

3 Benefits of Executive Presentations Training

Becoming a confident and effective presenter includes a lot more than just feeling comfortable in front of people, or knowing how to make eye contact with your audience (tip: stop reading off your own slides). You need to be able to read your audience (coworkers, employees, executive peers, clients, etc.) and deliver your information clearly and...

3 Reasons You Need Professional Media Training in Dallas

3 Reasons You Need Professional Media Training in Dallas

The Ammerman Experience has been offering media training in Dallas and beyond for decades – so, suffice to say, we’ve seen our share of both positive and negative media interactions. Along the way, we’ve made media experts out of complete newcomers, and helped executives with solid media skill foundations hone their skills as spokespeople when it...

Taking a Presentation from Boring to Soaring (Part Three)

In two previous issues of this newsletter, we discussed a number of techniques that can improve the content of your presentations: Stories: narratives that describe events which unfold over time Anecdotes: short accounts of real or fictional incidents or characters Examples: something that’s typical of its group or something worthy of imitation...

How to Keep Jargon From Killing Your Presentation

One of the most common issues we deal with in our presentation training sessions is the misuse of jargon. We once worked with a participant who was representing a nuclear power plant. The plant had recently been targeted over the perceived danger of its facility to the surrounding area’s water supply, and as its representative, our client was...

What We’ve Learned from 40 Years of  Experience Media Training in Houston

What We’ve Learned from 40 Years of Experience Media Training in Houston

Media training is still a relatively new field of expertise. That being said, The Ammerman Experience has been one of the pioneers of the industry, providing media training in Houston and around the world since our founding in 1973. We’ve had decades to observe what works and what doesn’t work, and we’ve seen time and time again what can make or...

Expressing Empathy: It’s Worth Doing and Doing Right

Following the suicide death of one of its football players, The Ohio State University issued this statement to the news media:             “The Ohio State University Department of Athletics was shocked and saddened to learn today of the death of student-athlete Kosta Karageorge, a senior from Columbus. Our thoughts and prayers are with the...

Why Your Doctors Won’t Talk To The press

Hospital healthcare PR professionals face a very unique challenge when it comes to media relations. Hundreds of newsworthy stories take place inside their own buildings, yet all too often the doctors who are the protagonists of these stories are uncomfortable speaking to the media. The prescription to this epidemic is the alignment of the story...