It’s that time again – the annual company conference. You’re responsible for providing a detailed presentation, highlighting your company’s accomplishments over the past year and the goals ahead. This, of course, has to be done in front of everyone, which might bring about some sleepless nights for you.
You’re not alone. Plenty of executives have had to conquer their fear of public speaking. It’s not just that, though. Making sure your presentation is interesting enough to keep the audience’s focus is also a priority. The question for you now is – do I need help? The answer, of course, might surprise you.
Executive presentations training is vital for novices and the experienced alike. The experts at The Ammerman Experience can help you in all facets of executive presentations training. Here are three ways to tell if you need help.
Do You Get Nervous Talking In Front of a Crowd?
Public speaking is not for everyone. Being able to stand in front of a crowd and remember what you’re supposed to say without hesitating or losing focus can be daunting. Most people think they need to be Steve Jobs when it comes to making a presentation. That’s a lot of pressure to put on yourself. Realistically, you’re not going to be speaking in front of millions of people. Regardless, there is no shame in looking for help if you’re uncomfortable.
The Ammerman Experience provides training that helps you build on your strengths while reducing or eliminating your weaknesses. One of the focuses of the executive presentations training is addressing the challenge of speaking in front of groups. With the correct training, you can tackle having conversations with any large group. Once you’re more comfortable talking in front of people, how do you feel about questions?
Would Executive Presentations Training Help Me Asking and Answering Questions?
Do you know what questions you should ask the audience? A large part of a presentation is the back and forth between the presenter and, what you hope is, a captive audience. Are you able to continue your presentation based on the answers you receive? Do you think you’d be thrown off by an answer?
On a related note – and this applies to most everyone – just because you know how to talk to people, doesn’t necessarily mean you can field questions about certain topics. You can do research before putting your presentation together, but if someone asks you a question about something that’s not mentioned in your presentation, how would you handle it?
These are just some of the questions The Ammerman Experience is able to answer. The executive presentations training provided by The Ammerman Experience teaches you how to field questions more comfortably, while getting people to listen, hear, understand, and act on what you said. Of course, once you’re mastered talking to people and fielding questions, are you able to wrap it all together for a powerful presentation?
Can I Craft an Effective Presentation?
Chances are, part of your staging is going to involve using a PowerPoint presentation. You may think that this would be the easiest part of all. The reality, however, is a little more harsh. Many presenters tend to lean on their PowerPoint presentations, reading what’s already on the screen and completely losing their audience. It also doesn’t help if your PowerPoint is really long and drawn out.
It’s important to learn that there are good PowerPoint presentations, and there are really bad PowerPoint presentations. At The Ammerman Experience, you’re taught effective uses of PowerPoint that won’t leave your audience wanting to run to the exits.
Everyone, from newly minted executives to veteran CEOs, needs executive presentations training at some point in time, even if it’s nothing more than just a refresher. Your choice for which company provides the best training for you is clear – the team at The Ammerman Experience is there to help you make your next executive presentation the best ever.