
The Terri Ammerman Group pairs decades of communications and media experience with relevant, current perspective. We understand the ever-changing needs and scenarios faced by companies, executives, and media professionals. Part of our training involves examining communications scenarios in real-time, so participants can clearly see what to avoid when speaking and what to say when delivering a clear, convincing message. Our team regularly offers perspective and insights on current situations through the articles posted here.

The Four C’s of Presentations: Connection

In our series on the Four C’s of Presentations, Terri discusses the importance of creating connection: Connection is more than just being likable and engaging. While you should certainly strive for both of those elements, connection is about helping your audience feel like you are as invested in them as you are in the content you are presenting....

The Four C’s of Presentations: Credibility

In our series on the Four C's of Presentations, Terri discusses the importance of establishing credibility: If you cannot bring credibility into your presentations, you will struggle to motivate your listeners to take you or your message seriously. Don't hold yourself back from becoming the best presenter you can be. You will never be able to...

He’s Not the Grinch, but He Admits to Stealing Christmas!

He’s Not the Grinch, but He Admits to Stealing Christmas!

It is every communicator’s desire to deliver a memorable statement that dominates water cooler chat the next day. With passion and authority, Premier Brian Pallister of Manitoba, Canada accomplished that by pushing COVID-19 restrictions during the holidays. His blunt, no-holds-barred, statement isn’t full of Christmas cheer. And, he makes it...

A Doctor Skips the Jargon and Delivers an Encouraging Message to America

A Doctor Skips the Jargon and Delivers an Encouraging Message to America

As Covid 19 cases, hospitalizations, and deaths rise, some voices in the medical and political worlds are calling for a national lockdown. But the man considered America’s top expert in infectious diseases is not one of them. In an interview on ABC, Dr. Anthony Fauci clearly communicates a different message. While fervidly prescribing social...

A Critter Creates a Crisis for a White House Correspondent

A Critter Creates a Crisis for a White House Correspondent

When you prepare for a presentation, media interview, or crisis news briefing, you should try to anticipate things that could go wrong. But there’s no way to anticipate that a frisky critter might make an unwanted guest appearance. What can we say? Stuff happens, as CNN Washington correspondent Joe Johns recently discovered when a raccoon...

To Read or Not to Read: That is the Question

To Read or Not to Read: That is the Question

During our Terri Ammerman Group crisis spokesperson seminars, we are often asked if it’s okay to read a statement during a news briefing. Our answer is “yes.” But our response includes conditions that must be met or reading a statement will look and sound amateurish. You should become intimately familiar with the statement by rehearsing it in...

Repeat After Me: The Mic is Always Hot. Always.

Repeat After Me: The Mic is Always Hot. Always.

It’s not often that a public figure reinforces what The Terri Ammerman Group teaches in our communication training seminars. In this case, Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer demonstrated her awareness that a microphone should always be considered hot before, during and after a speech or interview. Whitmer was clowning around a bit, preparing to...

How to Get Virtual Training that Speaks to Your Needs

How to Get Virtual Training that Speaks to Your Needs

Several months ago, virtual meetings appeared to be an effective, temporary solution to move company agendas forward when face-to-face meetings were not possible. We now know two key things about virtual meetings as the pandemic carries on: they are anything but temporary and often, anything but effective. The Terri Ammerman Group is here to...

A Top Communicator Down Under

A Top Communicator Down Under

When preparing for a news briefing or presentation, great communicators choose their words with care. It is a crucial step toward effective messaging. But the visual and vocal ways they deliver those words is even more important as they seek to reach and influence their audience. Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison provides a great example...

Keep Your Personal Opinions to Yourself, Unless….

Keep Your Personal Opinions to Yourself, Unless….

When you are speaking with the media or delivering a presentation, your job is to represent your company or organization, not yourself. Your personal opinions usually are not relevant and can get in the way of your key messages. But there are exceptions. In an interview with ABC News, Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson declines to give his personal...