Picture this cartoon which appeared in the Harvard Business Review: The scene is a company’s annual shareholders meeting. Two executives are seated at a table at the front of an auditorium. A line of shareholders is forming at the microphone for the Q&A portion of the meeting. One executive turns to the other and says, “This is the part of capitalism I hate.”
It’s annual shareholders meeting time. Many publicly traded companies hold their meetings in April and May. And among those frequently in attendance are angry or activist shareholders – individuals upset about everything from executive compensation to the company’s stock price or environmental policies.
If your company might face some tough questions or even possible disruptions at its annual meeting, The Ammerman Experience can help you prepare. Our coaching assistance includes offering strategies on handling audiences that are upset, angry or even verbally abusive or disruptive. (Our role players are quite adept at turning into angry shareholders.) We can also help you develop or fine tune your messages, practice your delivery and rehearse answers to questions.
For more information on this service, contact us at 800-866-2026.