The Ammerman Experience recently introduced a new workshop. Executive Presentations Training is six, two-hour sessions that provide executives with an assessment of their presentation skills, along with suggestions for improvement. The sessions are conducted at our facility in Houston.
The ability to communicate effectively is frequently ranked the number one key to success by executives earning more than $250,000 per year. Yet many executives who present frequently have sub-par presentation skills.
Executive Presentations Training focuses on what for many is one of their most challenging tasks – speaking in front of groups to deliver important information – to sell an idea or initiative, and to instill confidence. These six, two-hour sessions are designed for individuals who have reached a level in their organization where communication and executive presence are critical to their success as leaders. These private sessions address communications situations both inside and outside the organization.
The sessions, which include interactive recorded experiences, typically take place every 2-3 weeks, and specific assignments are given in between sessions to further the learning and improvement of the participant. Ongoing personal support is provided as needed between sessions through emails and phone calls.