A contentious issue, angry people, and impassioned opinions are the recipe for a public meeting that can spiral out of control. That is what happened when a debate over defunding police led to an emotional disruption of the Norman, Oklahoma City Council meeting.
Here is a short clip of the unfortunate scene:
How can a public meeting melee be avoided? Adequate security plays a role but diffusing the emotion early on is even more important. The Terri Ammerman Group created our High Emotion Public Meeting Training workshop to give our clients the tools to manage emotions that often arise during public meetings. After all, no one wins, especially you, if your messaging turns into a melee.
We’ve worked with oil companies, pipeline companies, nuclear power plants and environmental agencies to prepare them for any public meeting that may become emotional. And our experience is that ALL public meetings can potentially become emotional.
The Terri Ammerman Group is now ready to safely resume our training in-person. View our High Emotion Public Meeting Training that can be done at your location.