Business man with checkboxesThe investor conference call might not be the best part of your week, but a poor delivery may make it your worst.  Conference calls are tough venues, with a recent study sharing that 65% of conference call participants are doing other work while on the call. So if you are leading the conference call, what can you do to make it memorable and keep everyone engaged? We’ve got three simple items that can put sparkle in your conference call and keep your listeners’ attention.


Have a strong opening


When you’re leading a call, don’t have a predictable start.  Speaking about the company mission and values is expected and may trigger several attendees to tune out immediately. Instead, communicate how this call will benefit the listeners or their organizations.  Let’s not forget that you have about a minute to engage listeners, so having a strong opener will set the pace and create more attentive listeners throughout the call.


Go beyond the facts


Think stories, not facts. When you’re talking, don’t rattle off numbers or points from a bulleted list.  Give insight to the subject matter.  Take your audience beyond the surface – let them in to see what’s really going on.  If you’re recapping sales from last quarter, be sure to give insight by digging deeper and explaining the events that may have caused your sales to increase or even decline. Then, speak about the future and your expectations.  By being brief about your subject matter, you aren’t giving it any meaning and your listeners desire meaning to the facts you give.


Have a solid delivery


Often when presenters prepare for a call, they develop a script for accuracy about the subject matter. This can sometimes diminish the delivery of information, making it void of a conversational tone.   If you are using a script for your conference call, the content has to be interesting and the delivery dynamic or you will quickly lose the attention of your listeners.  If you feel comfortable enough, use note cards instead of a script.   Note cards and a conversational tone share more of your personality and will engage the listener.


Whether it is a conference call, board meeting or a public speech, it is important for you to communicate in a clear, concise and charismatic manner. You want others to listen to, understand and act on what is said.   By using these three tips, you will be a more effective and engaging presenter.  For more information regarding how we can help you with more effective conference calls or presentations, visit our website at or give us a call at 800-866-2026.