Our Mission
The Terri Ammerman Group is a communications skills development firm that shows people how to reach and influence others through the spoken word. We’re one of the pioneers in media training and crisis communications, and have become one of the world’s leading communications consultants. Since 1973, we’ve trained people to face the media, communicate in a crisis, conduct public meetings, and deliver memorable analyst, sales and other business presentations.
Benefits We Deliver
We teach skills. Once learned, skills work all the time… for everyone… under any circumstance. Communicating is not a spectator sport, so our clients learn by doing. We offer small-group, interactive workshops that enable each participant to participate. Video is a vital teaching tool for us.
Our workshops are rigorous, cost-effective and user-friendly. We offer an extensive array of workshops, but because “one size” rarely “fits all,” we frequently create or customize workshops that meet the specific needs of our clients. All of our sessions respect the time constraints placed on busy professionals.
The training we provide is experiential. We frequently use simulated environments involving tough, experienced “reporters” and hostile audiences. At The Terri Ammerman Group, you’ll face the best to prepare for the worst.
Each individual we train may call on us for additional guidance – for example, during a business crisis or before talking to a reporter. We’ll provide an objective, third-party perspective on the situation or issue – perhaps concurring with your assessment, offering ideas you may not have considered, or doing a practice interview via phone. We’re available 24/7, and there is no additional charge for this valuable service.
For many of our workshops, we provide written summaries of the material covered. And all of our clients receive our quarterly, electronic newsletter which contains information and suggestions on a wide variety of communications topics.
We’re Here to Help
Today’s professionals increasingly understand the role effective communication plays in career advancement and success. Those who can communicate effectively (clearly, concisely and charismatically) and strategically (with intent) – face-to-face; one-on-one, to both large and small groups; on video; and in formal, informal, planned and impromptu situations – will get others to listen to, understand and act on what was said. They will also have lots of job security.
We can help you and others in your organization improve the communication skills that have a direct bearing on the ability to reach others through the spoken word.
Contact us and tell us about your situation or needs. We’ll be happy to offer our perspective or develop a proposal for your review.