On August 13, The Ammerman Experience had the pleasure to be the exclusive sponsor for Public Relations Society of America-Houston New Professional’s Lights, Camera, Media Relations!: A Guide to Working with the Media. The seminar aimed to help attendees learn how to tackle media relations head on. Speakers included Samica Knight, reporter and anchor at KTRK-TV Channel 13; Tricia Bentley, public information officer and public outreach manager for the Harris County Institute of Forensic Sciences; Anita Hassan, Reporter, Houston Chronicle and Jovanna David, director of southwest operations at DS Simon Productions. Each panelist had her own unique insights about media relations. David stated that public relations practitioners need to stay on message and know who they are pitching before sending an email. Bentley stressed that working with the media is all about trust. “The reporter has to know that they can trust you. If you can give them a piece of information or allow them access to something or someone, tell them why so that they will understand and not think you’re trying to hide something,” says Bentley. In addition, attendees had the chance to experience what it’s like to be on camera.