Does it drive you nuts when people answer questions with such jumbled vagueness that you’re left wondering what on earth they meant? On the other hand, do you find it refreshing when people, especially politicians, answer questions with such clarity that their message is impossible to misinterpret?
Armed with clear messages, San Francisco Mayor London Breed supported the recall of three school board members during an interview on NBC. Breed said she agreed with voters who recalled the board members after they refused to reopen schools two years after the pandemic began. Instead of working to resume in-person classroom teaching, the board focused on less important issues, such as renaming schools bearing the names of George Washington and Abraham Lincoln.
One of the board members claimed there was a racist motive for the recall. When asked about that assertion, Breed left no doubt where she stood. Click on the video below.
Breed’s clear, confident messaging exemplified what we have been teaching our clients for decades. The mayor delivered messages that she almost certainly prepared ahead of time. If you agree to a media interview, follow Breed’s example. Her messages were easy to understand. That’s clarity. And that’s key to effective communications.