Are you interested in learning just about everything there is to learn about improving your communications skills? We, of course, would love for you to schedule a workshop with the Terri Ammerman Group. In the meantime, we wholeheartedly recommend a book written by Ken Haseley, a longtime educator and former trainer with The Terri Ammerman Group.
Ken is now the principal of his own firm, Corner Suite Communications. His new book, Change the Way You Communicate: Why You Should. How You Can, examines a variety of ideas – some of them unconventional, many of them new and researched-based – about what constitutes effective communication.
Ken was a lead trainer with Ammerman for two decades. He worked for many years in the oil & gas industry and served as a speech writer in the Reagan Administration. He has lectured at MIT’s Sloan School of Management and was a visiting professor at Ivanova State University in Russia. Ken developed and currently teaches Communications for Leaders in the Executive MBA Program at the University of Houston’s Bauer College of Business. While there are many books that focus on one particular aspect of business examines a variety of ideas – some of them unconventional, many of them
Not only are we thrilled for Ken and his new venture, but his book emphasizes much of what we teach at The Terri Ammerman Group. His book can be found in e-book and soft cover versions on Amazon. We know you will enjoy and learn from it. For additional information, visit