Several months ago, virtual meetings appeared to be an effective, temporary solution to move company agendas forward when face-to-face meetings were not possible. We now know two key things about virtual meetings as the pandemic carries on: they are anything but temporary and often, anything but effective. The Terri Ammerman Group is here to help! Watch the video below for a message from our president, Terri Ammerman, about a unique opportunity we are offering to our clients to gain specific assistance with their virtual meetings:


Seriously, we want to hear from you!  If you have specific feedback on areas you would like to see addressed in a training for virtual meetings, email Terri at [email protected] or fill out the form below. We will be gathering this feedback and using it as a means of ensuring that our clients benefit from hearing direct answers to the challenges they face, as well as common issues that many others in the business world are facing. Together, we can create more effective virtual meetings!