When Expressing Empathy, Sound Like You Mean It!

When Expressing Empathy, Sound Like You Mean It!

Anyone who has attended one of our crisis spokesperson workshops will tell you how important it is to express empathy during a crisis press briefing. You want the community to know that you care about the people who have been impacted by a crisis event. But you just...
Recorded Words Live Forever

Recorded Words Live Forever

What is the easiest way for people to destroy their credibility when speaking regularly to the media? It’s saying one thing in one interview, then denying they said it in another, especially when their original comment is recorded. It’s amazing how often this still...
Cleaning Up a Muddled Message

Cleaning Up a Muddled Message

You are a university president dealing with one of the most difficult issues of our time, the apparent rise of antisemitism on American college campuses. Your tepid response to antisemitic rhetoric on your campus leads you and two other university presidents to...
Getting Angry Gets You Nowhere

Getting Angry Gets You Nowhere

So, you’ve been speaking at a news briefing or public gathering and as the event ends, a reporter approaches to ask questions about a topic you don’t want to discuss. What do you do? First, here’s what you don’t do. You don’t get angry, call the reporter rude, and...